5 reasons why your non-profit organisation should switch to m-GURUSH mobile money

why your non-profit organisation should switch to m-GURUSH mobile money

With the advent of the pandemic in 2020, the world has been forced to re-evaluate how it works and does things. Organisations have been made to rethink their ways of operations including Non-profit organisations. Here in South Sudan, even before the pandemic, we had novel services that enabled organisations to transact and disburse Bulk payments fast and conveniently. Here are five reasons why your Non- profit should use m-GURUSH.

1. It is more efficient and convenient

Disbursing cash physically can be quite slow and expensive. Having someone travel with the money to remote areas and disburse say a 2-week payment is quite a time consuming and causes bottlenecks in your organisational operations. With m-GURUSH you can schedule and perform bulk payments to any place in South Sudan and the money will be received by your field staff and beneficiaries straight to their phone.

2. It is more transparent

Having cash handled by many hands might mean misuse and mishandling of the funds. There might even be corruption in the midst of all these processes. Using m-GURUSH mobile money helps with transparency and reduces the chances and opportunities for this misuse of funds as it goes directly to who it was intended for.

3.It is a lot safer

Transporting large sums of money in a van albeit guarded is not safe. It leaves your employees vulnerable to layovers and muggings. It also makes it unsafe for payees when the presence of cash is visible. Hence why sending money to their phones enhances the security of all parties involved.

4.Save money

Apart from being quite slow, cash disbursement tends to be an expensive exercise. From transport costs to employee time, the amount of money spent can be quite high depending on the number of people you are disbursing to. While mobile money is not free, it can quite literally be more than half the amount you’d spend and 97% the hassle of the disbursement. Why choose the harder, more expensive route?

5.It is a lot safer

Transporting large sums of money in a van albeit guarded is not safe. It leaves your employees vulnerable to layovers and muggings. It also makes it unsafe for payees when the presence of cash is visible. Hence why sending money to their phones enhances the security of all parties involved.

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